![]() We began our week with homes, houses, and habitats as our theme, discussing A New Home from our children's Bible, a lesson from Genesis 12-17. After introducing the children to this story we decided to paint pictures of the homes we lived in. Naturally, this also gave us opportunity to observe the colors gray, green, black, brown, and white. We had LOTS of colors available including our glitter, because my little preschoolers LOVE glitter. As all the other children happily painted their interpretations of the homes they lived in, my little one proudly exclaimed, "I'm painting the OCEAN!" She had no interest in our objective and she enthusiastically completed her colorful waterscape that we displayed on our window for many days. Throughout the course of the day and week we also discussed different books we have around the classroom that talk about houses, homes, and habitats. The children LOVE, love, love the story of the Three Little Pigs and The Big Bad Wolf. We read this book in addition to MY personal favorite, The Little House, by Virginia Lee Burton each day as a part of our circle/table times. We enjoyed opportunities to watch this reading on Youtube by Scholastic. There are much scarier versions out there!! This one is pretty good and from a reputable company. You can click the arrow in the middle to enjoy it with your preschooler at home too! ![]() We made our own Three Little Pig houses with the straw we saved from our Halloween hay bale from last season (you know us pre-k teachers, we save everything!). We folded construction paper into the shape of a hollow square to give the children a solid base to glue the straw to and placed it on top of another piece of paper. We practiced huffing, and puffing, and BLOWING our little straw houses down to their giggles and glee!! It was SOOOO CUTE :))
One sweet little story...![]() The Little House, by Virginia Lee Burton is on my personal top ten lists for children. I love the detailed pictures, the changing seasons, but most of all the morals of the story. There are a couple going on in this book that older children and adults will also enjoy. First, the longing to discover what we do not know or have that we later learn wasn't as glamorous as we had hoped, leaving us longing for "the way things used to be." In other words...a lesson in appreciating what we have, while we have it. The second moral of this sweet tale is just because something is old and looks like it is no longer useful, if it is cared for and loved it can regain its former strength, beauty, and usefulness. I LOVE this precious, classic piece of children's literature. It's a long read for a 2 year old, but for 3's and up, it is a must read! Our week went here....our week went there...Just a few of my favorite moments...![]() Sharing can be a challenging practice of patience for little ones (and big ones too!!) Not this time, they encouraged one another to sit together and read their books. They would take turns getting down and the one in the chair would pat the itty, bitty bit of space next to him or her and the other would climb back on board! :)) SOOOOO Sweet!!
That's a Wrap!We made short work of last week with our many conversations, projects, playtimes, stories, songs, math observations, and teamwork. We had our tantrums and tears, our ups and downs, some teething, bumps and scrapes.
We snuggled and laughed, painted and danced, enjoyed some of the few remaining hot days of the year and played for probably the last time this year in the sprinklers. Our favorite moment as a school family was welcoming back our friend from her break as we celebrated her second birthday together. Welcome back!! I wish you well and I hope you get to play today. -L
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Life is made of moments..."There isn't anything more full of hope, joy and peace than a child's smile... It captures the mundane and makes it extraordinary." - LaDonna Woolsey I am a www.prekwithme.com blogger. I decided to become one after trying their products because I they are comprehensive and serve my mixed age group well. I do receive products to review from www.prekwithme.com and do so with my own honest and thorough opinions. For more information, please contact me at [email protected]
January 2025
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